Carlitos45: Todos los retiros rapidisimos, uso minebnb hace 1 año sin problemas
Mohammed: everyting good, i like minebnb. payment received
gaga: got my withdraaaaw. so happy
Rian: I deposited 4 bnb. can I deposit more? getting a lot of profits
LuisM: Payout received, great service as always!
john_doe12: just did my deposit, hope this works
EMY: got my withdraw, thanks!
smith: received the rewards, nice
Susana: 1st time here, let’s see how it goes
michael54: wow, withdraw was fast
olivia_brown: deposit received, now waiting for the next one
PE44: everything looks good, made my second withdraw today
FARA67: payments always fast, love it!
luca: so far so good, everything smooth
MOhammed: easy to use, just made my withdraw